
Found 19 results in 262.9 ms.

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Bell, Daniel, 1919-2011 (26) (person)

Sociologist Daniel Bell (1919-2011) was a writer and teacher of the history of the American left and of American Labor. A 1939 graduate of City College (CUNY), where he was a member of the Young Peoples Socialist League, Bell was managing editor of the New Leader (a social democratic journal of opinion) in the 1940s, labor editor of Fortune magazine from 1948 to 1958 and author of several books and monographs, including The End of Ideology (1962), The Birth of Post-Industrial Society (1974),...

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Bell, Daniel (Daniel A.), 1964- (14) (person)


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Bell, Daniel W. (Daniel Wafena) (3) (person)

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Leary, Daniel Bell (1886- ). (2) (person)

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Bell, Daniel W., 1891- (2) (person)

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Daniel Bell (1) (person)

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Daniel Bell (1) (person)

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Daniel Bell (1) (person)

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Daniel Bell (1) (person)

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F. Daniel Bell (1) (person)

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